Once you have created your evaluation phases and linked your headings to sub category you need to assign the weighting percentages to each category and sub category's
The weighting percentages sub categories all need to add up to 100% if they do not then the phase will be highlighted red in the evaluation settings panel
There are 2 different indicators to inform you that the weighting has not been set:
The To Do widget will list outstanding items
The evaluation phase and type will be highlighted red
Open up the weighting editor by clicking the Weighting editor link.
Select the evaluation phase and type from the dropdown list.
iSpec will then load the categories and ALL sub categories linked with that evaluation phase.
You can choose to show all of the categories or just the ones that have headings linked by clicking the Show not used box.
When setting the weighting percentages the rule is that all categories must have a combined total of 100% and all sub categories in each category must have a combined total of 100%.
The totals will stay highlighted red until both totals add up to 100%.
Once the weighting percentages add up to 100% the totals will turn black.
Example 2.
To see what headings are linked to the category/ sub category click the sub category name.
If a sub category has no headings linked then the sub category name will not be a clickable link.
The new window will now show all headings linked to that sub category.
Click the magnifying glass icon

to view the heading requirements.
Once the weighting for that phase has been completed the phase name will turn from red to black.
You can now publish the tender. A warning will show reminding you to make sure all evaluations are complete.