Tracking delivery

Once the contract has been awarded, iSpec will start highlighting deliverables and sending you and the vendor reminders.
Red items mark deliverables that have imminent delivery dates.(< 30 days)
Any tenders that have imminent or late delivery dates will be listed in Outstanding tasks section of the dashboard.
Once the vendor confirms delivery the delivery/commissioning and completed dates can be entered.
Any attachments can also be added.
If  any comments or changes have been entered either by the vendor or internally in the delivery window an icon will show next the heading name in the outline tree.
You may now check the vendor notes and if satisfied with you may enter delivery and/or a completion dates for this item.
Once saved the delivered date will show in the vendor response delivery section highlighted in red and the heading will change to black.
The delivery reports will automatically be updated with this information.
You can also see the delivery history by clicking the Show history link.
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