Assigning internal users to your tender

The roles section is where you manage all of your users and assign tender approvers, roles are split into 3 sections
  • Mandatory roles - These are roles which must be assigned before the tender is published.
  • Optional roles - Select additional roles to assign to users.
  • Advanced role manager - Show the advanced role manager to manage users
The To Do list will show the roles that need to be assigned or you can expand the roles section.
Mandatory roles
Mandatory roles are roles that must be assigned before the tender can be published, typically these are approval roles that do not have default users assigned.
Any roles that need to be assigned will be highlighted orange.
Click any of the mandatory links to assign the approvers.
The user list will show and list everybody from your department that is available for selection.
Click the user and then click the right arrow to move them to the approver list
The user will then be moved from the user list to the approver list. Repeat this process for all of the user who will approver that action.
You can add as many approvers as you wish but all of the approvers must approve before the approvals are complete.
As the mandatory roles are assigned they will disappear  from the assign list and move to the edit list.
If one of the approvers is not available and is holding up the process you can remove or change the approver by clicking the Edit users for xxxx approval.
First you need to add a new user from the user list.
Once the new user is added you can remove the original user.
Now only the user that was was changed will be listed in the approver list.
Note: You cannot remove everybody from the approver list you must have a minimum of one approver in the list otherwise you will receive the following error.
Optional Roles
If you would like to give an user access to the tender but they will not be an approver or evaluator you can assign an optional role.
To do this click the Optional role link.
Assign any optional role or if you wish to change a user then you can edit the user list the same as mandatory roles.
Advanced role manager
The advance role manager list all users that have access to the tender and what roles they have. You can also manually add users and roles instead of using the various User lists discussed above.
To access the role manager click the Advanced role manager link.
To add a new user select the user from the dropdown list, only users that are in your business unit and below will be available.
To delete a user click the delete icon, all of the users roles will be removed and the user will not have access to the project.
You can also add users from a different unit by checking the 'Assign users from other units' checkbox
Note: This option is enabled/disabled from the system settings under the option Assign any user to a project if this option is turned off you can only add users in the same business unit or in a unit below in the hireachy
When you add a new user to a project the role manager will appear and allow you to specify the roles the new user will have for that project.
You can also edit any other user roles for that project by clicking the settings icon next to the user you wish to edit, the role manager will open, you can then add or remove any role you wish the user to have on this project.
Roles that are highlighted red are roles which allow the user to view commercial responses like prices.
Note: Adding or removing a role only applies to the current tender and does not apply to the users default roles in their user profile.
You can also  edit a user's access dates by clicking  on the icon next to the users role.
You may now change the access dates by clicking on setting the start date and end date on each calendar, then choose your update option.
Update this role only - Updates the access dates  this role for the selected user.
  • Update all roles for this user - Updates the selected access dates on all roles for this user.
  • Update this role for all users - Updates the selected access dates for this roles to all users.
  • Update all roles for all users - Updates the selected access dates for all roles  for all users.
If the user has permission they can see what roles were added/removed for each user by clicking the View history button.
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