Score manager

The score manager allows evaluators to score vendor submissions. The score manager link only becomes visible when the tender is closed and the bids have been opened.
Each evaluator must have at least one role that has been linked to a evaluation type in order to evaluate that phase.
To start evaluating the vendor submissions click on the Click to start button in either the Evaluations widget of in the phase itself.
Note: Only users with the Manage project evaluation can start / stop evaluation phases.
If there are no users with the evaluation roles assigned iSpec will display a warning
You can expand the roles section and add or edit the evaluators. The evaluator roles that are necessary to score are listed under mandatory roles.
Click the add or edit evaluation users and make sure that the users who will evaluate are added.
Once you have a user who has the evaluation type roles assigned you are then able to start evaluations.
Click the Click to start button.
Once the evaluation has started click the Score manager link.
Note: Until the evaluations have started the Score manager link is still active but no phases are selectable.
You can choose to only score shortlisted vendors by cicking the checkbox otherwise you will score All vendors who submitted a bid.
Click the Score manager link.
Select the phase, phase type and vendors and the system will build the scoring form.
By default iSpec will only show you the categories and sub-categories in use but you can choose to show ALL by checking the Show not used box.
All headings that can be score will have a score box underneath the vendor column.
Enter a score until all items have been scored.
You can also enter a comment by clicking the pencil icon, once you have enter a comment the icon will have a green tick in the corner
You can also click on the sub category name to display the headings associated with that sub category, you can send correspondence, negotiate further or accept items by clicking the arrow icon.
Once you have completed your evaluation the icon will either be green check or a red x.
A green check means all of the evaluators have completed their evaluations.
A red x means not everybody has finished their evaluations. Hover over the icon to see which evaluators have completed and which have not.
If all evaluations are complete the status will show a green check icon.
Once all evaluators have entered there score you can end the evaluations by clicking the Click to end button.
A date and time stamp will show you the Start/End dates of that evaluation phase.
The next evaluation phase in the sort order will become available.
Note: If the next phase is a commercial evaluation you must shortlist at least one vendor.
We continue this process until all of the evaluation phases have been evaluated and are completed.
Note: When the evaluator logs into iSpec any tenders that need to be scored will be listed under there My Workspace.
You can also quickly see which evaluation phases have been completed for each project by going to the tender list.
The evaluations column will show all evaluation phases for each project, incomplete evaluations are highlighted red and completed evaluations are green.
Copyright Remy InfoSource Pte Ltd 2019