Assigning vendor users

To invite specific vendors to bid on this tender you must add them to the tender.
The To-Do widget informs you that you need to add vendors.
Select the company and user from the drop down list.
If you have setup any panels or trades, you  can  invite an entire group of vendors with one action.


Once you have added at least one vendor then Vendor widget will disappear.


Once you add a new vendor the role manager will appear and you can set the default roles for the vendor.
To change the vendor's access dates, click on the settings icon to the right of the user role
You may now change the access dates by clicking on setting the start date and end date on each calendar, then choose your update option.
  • Update this role only - Updates the access dates  this role for the selected user.
  • Update all roles for this user - Updates the selected access dates on all roles for this user.
  • Update this role for all users - Updates the selected access dates for this roles to all users.
  • Update all roles for all users - Updates the selected access dates for all roles  for all users.
  • Update all roles for this vendor - Updates the selected access dates  for all roles for this user.
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