Adding payment schedules

Adding a new Payment schedule
To add a new Payment schedule click the Add payment item button.
Payment schedules can be added in any tender phase.
Enter the following information:
  • Description - Description of the payment schedule.
  • Amount for calculation - Total payment amount and currency.
  • Percentage - Percentage of the Amount for calculation that will be outstanding.
  • Estimated date - Estimated date the Payment schedule is fully paid.
Click the Save and close button to create the payment schedule.
After saving, it will be now added to the Payment schedule section.
After the Payment schedule has been added the following details are added.
  • Estimated date -  Estimated date payment schedule is expected to be fully paid and complete.
  • Amount for calculation - Total payment amount and currency.
  • Percentage - Percentage of the Amount for calculation which is payable.
      (Example: If the Amount for calculation is $10,000 and the Percentage payment is 100%, the Amount payable would be $10,000, it the Percentage payment was 50%
       the Amount payable would be $5000).
  • Amount payable - Amount for calculation which is payable.
  • Invoice amount - Total amount that has been invoice, this will be updated after an invoice has been created.
  • Paid to date - Total invoiced amount that has marked as paid, this will be updated after an invoice has been paid
  • Outstanding amount - Total amount that is still outstanding, this will be updated after an invoice has been paid.
Payment schedules can be edited or deleted by clicking the appropriate icon.
Now the payment schedule has been added Invoices need to be added.
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