Copy/Defer//Cancel/Delete tenders

Copy tender
Click the Copy link to create an exact copy of the tender including All the documents.
An option to include the Business unit, Customer and Vendors.
Click the Copy button to create a copy of the tender.
The selected options will be included as well as all document and evaluation settings.
Defer tender
Click the Defer tender link.
It will then be moved to the Deferred tender list.
The status will then be changed next to the tender name.
Even though the tender has been deferred it can still be recovered by clicking the Recover button.
The tender will then be restored to the previous state.
Tenders can be deferred in ANY phase.
Defer tender
Click the Cancel tender link.
It will then be moved to the Cancelled tender list.
The status will then be changed next to the tender name.
Even though the tender has been cancelled it can still be recovered by clicking the Recover button.
The tender will then be restored to the previous state.
Tenders can be cancelled in ANY phase.
Deleting tenders
Click the Delete tender link.
It will then be moved to the Deleted tender list.
The status will then be changed next to the tender name.
Even though the tender has been deleted it can still be recovered by clicking the Recover button.
The tender will then be restored to the previous state.
Tenders can only be deleted when in the Preparation phase.
Copyright Remy InfoSource Pte Ltd 2019