Use this to set up the different types of requests you would like to publish. You may set up default settings for each type of RFx. These defaults will then be used on creation of a new tender. If the user creating the tender has overriding permissions, he or she may change the default settings. These permissions are set up under the User role manager.
To create a new approval click the Add new approval button.
Approvals work flow is as follows:
•   AFE or Capex approval can be started at any time once a tender has been created. It must either be completed or bypassed before the tender can be published. If bypassed, the tender cannot be awarded until it has been completed.
•   Publication approval can only be started once all the documents have been completed and publication dates have been set. This consists of two parts (if selected). First of all the Project Team members need to approve the tender and once they are done, the purchasing approver has to approve the tender (if the option is selected).
•   Only if the selected publication approvals are complete and the AFE is complete or bypassed, can the tender be published.
•   After the tender closing date, the Tender Committee needs to approve opening of the bids (if selected) before they can be opened.
•   If selected, the Award approval needs to be done by the Tender Committee members before the contract can finally be awarded to a vendor.
Reverse Auction Options
  • Show pricing comparison and history during tender publication - Selecting this option will show other vendors pricing while the tender is open
  • Perform E-Bidding during negotiation - Selecting this option will allow vendors to bid against each other after commercial evaluation.
  • Second commercial bid opening approval - Selecting this option will add second approval after commercial evaluation is complete.
  • Show pricing comparison and history after awarding - Selecting this option will show price comparisons after the tender has been awarding.
General Options
  • Require estimated cost to be completed - Selecting this option will force the project manager to enter a estimated cost on any priced item.
Public Disclosure Options
  • Disclose final project cost after awarding - Selecting this option will show the final project cost on the tender overview screen after awarding.
  • Disclose name of awarded vendor - Selecting this option will show the name of the awarded vendor on the tender overview screen.
  • Disclose names of all bidding vendors after awarding - Selecting this option will show the name of all vendors involved in the tender after awarding.
Approval Options
  • Content approval (Tender Team (Content Approver)) - Selecting this option will require a user to approve the content of the tender documents.
  • Publication approval (Publication Approver) - Selecting this option will require user to approve the publication of this tender
  • AFE / Capex approval (Budget Approver) - Selecting this option will require AFE / `Capex approval.
  • Bid opening approval (Bid Opening & Awarding Approver) - Selecting this option will require approval before the bids can be opened.
  • Technical evaluation completed approval (Technical evaluation approver) - Selecting this option will require approval  after technical evaluation phase is completed.
  • Commercial bid opening approval (Commercial bid opening approver) - Selecting this option will require approval before the commercial evaluation can be started.
  • Awarding approval (Bid Opening & Awarding Approver) (Awarding Approver) - Selecting this option will require approval once the tender has been awarded to a vendor.
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