Negotiating tenders

If the customer wants to negotiate a better price with the vendor they will adjust the price in iSpec, once they do this the vendor can make a counter offer or accept the customers new price.
The vendor cannot initiate negotiations directly, only the customer can do this, If the vendor would like to negotiate they must use the messaging system requesting a change and the customer can decide whether to make the change or not.
If the customer negotiates on any item the tender will be listed in the dashboard.
It will also show an alert icon next to the document name.
And also in the Documents widget.
Open the document and the item that is under negotiation will be highlighted red, the customers offer will be the latest price listed.
If the vendor is happy with the offer or have already agreed to it during discussions, they can click Accept.
IF the vendor is not happy with the offer they can negotiate further by making a counter offer, click the cost to go into editing mode, enter a different price and click Save
This process goes back and forth until either the vendor or customer are happy with the price and accepts the offer.
Note: Once the vendor has changed the price and saved it cannot be changed unless the customer negotiates further.
If you cannot remember the detail of your initial offer, click on the History link to see previous negotiations.
All of the negotiation history will be shown in the pop up window. A new history record will be created for anything that changes.
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