Evaluation reports

There are two evaluation reports that you might find useful, the Submission status report and the Vendor pricing report
Submission status
The submission status report shows how compliant your submission is and how many outstanding (incomplete) items there still are for your attention.
Pricing report
The pricing report shows vendors  all priced items, convert to other currencies and do What-if calculations by including or excluding items from the report.
Clicking on the Pricing report link in the tools section brings up the pricing information overview page will show the total contract for all pricing documents.
Click on the document name to view the full report. All headings that have a price will be listed.
Perform what-if? tests by checking / unchecking the Include check box next to the item.
The total cost will be updated at the top of the document report and also on the overview screen.
You can also click on the submission button (magnifying glass) and go directly to an item to update it.
A new window will open with the heading details and you can edit the prices and the pricing report will update.
The pricing summary will then be updated with the changed information. You can also send or read correspondence or move your mouse over the magnifying glass to see the full requirement text.
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