Section Library

You can add add a section to your document directly from the section library using this tab.
When adding a new section first select the section group, then select the section type, and finally select the section.
Only sections that are approved can be used in the tender document. Unapproved sections are highlighted in red.
To preview the section before it is added click the section link.
When adding a section there are 2 ways to add it to the document.
Option 1 - Adding a single section to a document
To add a single section, create a new heading and use the drag icon to either drag it onto either the heading name in the outline tree or drag it onto the heading name in the document. The section will then be linked.
Option 2 - Adding multiple sections to a document.
Multiple sections can also be added. When adding multiple sections they will be added as headings not dragged to a heading that has already been created.
Select the headings, an Add as subheading button will show at the top and bottom of the sections.
Click the button and the sections will be linked to the document.
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