Accepting/negotiating on submissions

Any tenders that are being negotiated will be listed in Outstanding tasks section of the dashboard.
To accept or negotiate on a vendor submission, open a document and select the vendor from the drop down list.
Scroll through the document or click the heading in the outline tree.
When scrolling through the document after clicking a vendor response the associated heading in the tree will be highlighted.
You can automatically accept all compliant items by using the links at the top of each document or from the overview screen.
if you have chosen to score the items you can also assign the maximum score to compliant items providing the vendor has not provided a text response, delivery date or a price as these all need to be scored manually.
The simplest way is to go to each heading and accept or negotiate on that item.
All red items with an alert sign have some outstanding actions.
All items highlighted orange have been accepted but not scored (only applicable when using the simple evaluations).
Note: Items can only be accepted after the vendors have been short listed otherwise the Accept this offer checkbox will not show.
For detailed information on the negotiation controls go to the next page.
You can also choose to batch accept all complaint items or choose to accept  ALL responses.
Expand the documents section and select the documents and vendors from the drop down list, if you choose to batch accept ALL responses you  will need to confirm this by entering your password.
Note: Batch accepting ALL responses is a system setting and needs to be turned on by your iSpec administrator.
You can also batch accept these items from within the document however you will need to do it for each vendor by selecting the vendor from the drop down list.
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