Company evaluation data

Use the company evaluation data page to build the form that the vendor will complete when they submit registration details.
Firstly we need to add a section.
Click the Add button to add a new section
Enter a section name and click Save.
After the section has been saved we need to add evaluation items.
Click the Add button and a window will pop up to enter the evaluation item details.
The following items can be completed:
Item Properties
  • Item Name -  Enter a name of the item.
  • Attachment - Add any attachments that need to be added to the form.
  • Description - Add a item description.
  • Mandatory - Set if it is mandatory for the item to be completed. If yes the form cannot be submitted until the mandatory item is completed.
  • Scoring -  Enter a maximum score for this item.
  • Scoring instructions - Enter any scoring instructions.
Response requirements
  • Text - The vendor must supply a text response.
  • Decimal value - The vendor must supply a decimal number.
  • Integer value - The vendor must enter a whole number.
  • Attachment - The vendor must supply an attachment.
  • Yes/No - The vendor must give a yes or no response
  • Date - The vendor must supply a date.
  • Pick list items - Extra response requirements can be added for the vendor to choose.
After adding all your items they will be listed. under the Evaluation items.
When completed, the vendor will see a form similar to the example below.
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