
When the user logs into iSpec the default page to open is the dashboard.
The dashboard shows any outstanding tasks, recent and favourite projects.
An overview of how many approvals, bid evaluations, negotiations,  unread tender and template messages, deliverables and library reviews are also listed.
The dashboard also shows graphs related to awarded and projects where the user is specifically assigned as the project owner.
Information can be filtered to show information for ALL projects, only the logged in users projects or only user projects which require the users attention.
Additional filters are also available for dates ,business units, vendors, categories and item types.

Main menu

iSpec main menu - Access tenders, templates, reports, clause library and iSpec administration pages.
These menus are controlled by the User type permissions and depending on the User type assigned to the user will depending what menus they see.
1. Main menu

Favourites & recent projects

Shows the recent projects or templates that were recently accessed and were set as favourite.
Shows the current progress in the various stages of the tendering process.

Outstanding tasks

Lists any other outstanding tasks that are not covered by the dashboard.

Dashboard filters

Use the filters to update the dashboard. You can also change the setting to show ALL project information or only information the user has roles in.
5. Dashboard filters

Customise homepage

Customise the iSpec homepage.
6. Customise homepage
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