Obtaining publication approval

Publication without publication approval option
Once you have added at least one document and set the publication dates and the RFx and bid types, you may publish the tender.
To do so click on the Publish button in the To do widget.
If the selected publication date is in the future, the tender will not be available to the vendors until the actual publication date, but you won't have to worry about it and it will automatically be opened for access by the vendors on the proper date.
Enter your password to enable publication of the tender.
Publication with approval option selected
If you have selected any of the approval options for publication or CAPEX approval, then you will have to assign approvers and once the documentation is complete, you will see a link allowing you to start the various approval sequences. See more information on the approval system.
To add approver click the Roles tab and under assign approvers select the users that will approve either the content publication or both.
All tender that require content or publication approval will be listed in the Outstanding tasks section of the dashboard.
For more information on adding Approval roles see the Assigning internal users page.
Once you have added the publication approvers you can start the approval process click the Start link in the approvals widget.
A message will appear to tell you that the content approval has been started
The approver will receive an email explaining they need to login to iSpec and approve a tender, when they login the dashboard will list the tender that they need to approve
The publication approver can approve and reject publication of the tender and add any comments they wish.
If this is the content publication approval the process will need to be repeated for the final publication approval after this has been completed the tender will be published.
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