Vendor Cost calculator (Internal User)

To do some what if? calculations on a single vendor or to calculate external costs related to a bid, expand the evaluations section and click on the Vendor price external cost calculator link.
Click the Vendor cost calculator link in the evaluation section.
Here you can either view the entire project cost in the project default currency (all other currencies are converted at the rates specified) or you can select different currency reports for all additional currencies.
To edit the exchange rates click on the link at the top of the page.
To calculate the impact of external costs on the project, add the external costs to the external cost section at the bottom of the report.
This information will be saved for future reference per document per vendor.
Include or exclude items from the calculator and the totals will be automatically updated including the summary reports.
Users can also directly negotiate, score email and view requirements directly from the vendor cost calculator using these tools.
Please note this option must be enabled in the system settings by enabling the Additional cost report.
Once you have added any external costs the total price will be updated on the external cost calculator and also on the project overview screen.
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