Obtaining AFE Approval during tender preparation

AFE (Approval For Expenditure) or CAPEX (Capital Expenditure) approval can be started at any time once a tender has been created. It must either be completed or bypassed before the tender can be published. If bypassed, the tender cannot be awarded until it has been completed. Multiple financial approvers may be assigned to a tender from the department/business unit owning the tender all the way up to Head Office, these approvals will occur in the sequence the approvers are listed in. Once Financial approval is started, the first person on the list will receive an automated email from iSpec. As each approver on the list approves the tender, the next person will be sent an email requesting them to approve the tender until all financial approvals are complete or until someone bypasses the financial approval. This may be done in cases where it might be impossible to estimate the project cost until vendors have submitted their bids. At that point, when the financial cost is known, approval can be obtained.
To add AFE approval to your tender select the AFE / Capex approval option in the Approvals tab.
If you need to set the estimated cost you can do this from the Budgets and KPI's tab.
Note: If the Prompt for budget and actual cost option is turned on by the iSpec administrator then you must enter a estimated cost either from the Budgets and KPI's tab or once the  AFE approval is started.
If you do not set a estimated cost in the Budget and KPI tab you will be prompted to enter this information in the link in the Projects widget.
Add the AFE approvers from the Roles section, you can add one or more approvers.
Once the approvers have been added the Approvals widget will appear and you can start the AFE approval
The first person in the AFE list will be asked to Approve/Bypass/Reject the AFE.
If the AFE budget has not been entered and the iSpec administrator has turned this option on you will be required to enter the information before you can start the AFE approval.
The AFE approval will be listed in the approvers Dashboard section under the Project approvals.
The approver can click the Approve/Reject button in the Approvals widget.
The budget will be shown and the AFE approver can then Approve/Bypass/Reject the AFE.
The current approval status will be shown in the Approval submission status window from the Approvals tab.
If a History button is shown then one or more of the approvers have made a previous selection which will be recorded for auditing purposes.
Once all of the approvers have either Approved or Bypassed the AFE then the tender process can continue with the publication approval (if set) or the tender can be published.
If the AFE has been bypassed it can be started at anytime after publication but must be approved before the tender can be awarded.
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