
The contents of a library item comes in various language versions. Typically the original version might be in English and then various other translations may exist. This will allow the end user to see the information in the language of his choice. You can add one version for each language available in the system. To add the actual data for the library item, right click on the paragraph and select Add Language Version:
Once the language version has been added (default - one for each language defined in the system in order of definition), you may edit the properties and data of this version.
Enter the name of the section in the language selected. This will allow users who do not use English to see the section in their own language.
The specialist user is the person responsible for approving any changes to this section and also the person who will be reminded to review this item periodically.
The status shows whether the paragraph is still under construction, available or archived.
The section cannot be used until it has been approved and made available.
You can also attach any files to the clause by clicking the attachment link.
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