Text or terms amendments

Some documents require changes to the original contract text. In such a case you may make amendments by editing the clause concerned.
Select the document you wish to edit from the document list.
Edit the section which you would like to amend.
Click the submit or approve icon (depending on role permission) or if there is more than 1 section use the batch approve button.
The changes can also be discarded back to the original content.
The text will now be red-lined until the vendor has accepted the amendment.
You can also see the revision by clicking the View revision details link or clicking the View changes section menu link.
Text highlighted in red has been deleted and text in green has been added.
You can roll back to any history version by selecting the version and clicking the Roll back to this version button
The vendor can login open the document and the documents tab and accept the revision.
The vendor widgets will give details on the revision that needs to be accepted.
The heading name will be highlighted red.
The vendor can read and accept the revision. After the vendor accepts the revision the section will be highlighted green and the name and date of when the revision was accepted.
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