Evaluating submissions offline

Once the bids have been opened its time to evaluate the bids, iSpec lets you to export all of the vendors submissions to excel and evaluate offline.
Unlike in tender preparation phase where you can import and export to and from iSpec the exporting feature during evaluation and negotiation is only one way meaning you can only export the data for read offline you cannot export any data back into iSpec, all negotiations will need to be completed online in iSpec.
Option 1 Export from the project overview page
Expand the documents section and click the Export documents link.
This will expand the documents section further and list all of the documents that can be exported.
The documents will be listed with an icon indicating the formats that can be downloaded,  MSWord or MSExcel formats.
If you would like to export a single document then click the relevant icon next to document you wish to export, this will automatically export that document.
If you wish to export multiple documents, select the checkbox next to each document and click the link Export selected documents this will create a zip file and export all documents into 1 zip file.
Option 2 Export from within a document
If you wish to download the document you are working on you can do so directly from within the document by clicking the Export button this will export the current document to excel.
You can choose other documents in your tender by selecting  from the drop down list, when the document is opened you can then click Export button,
Note: if the document does not have the Export button then the document type is not exportable for more information on exporting document types please the document types section.
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