Adding responses

Once the document is opened, you will see a number of headings on the left. Some are in red - this means they require attention.
Those in black do not require a response or have been completed.
To see the entire document outline, right-click on the main document node and select Expand all.
To see the information required under a heading, select the heading. You will now see the content panel and also the vendor response panel.
At the very top of each heading you will see a NOTE listing which responses  are required for that heading, the response can differ on each heading so you will need to check each heading.
Editing the vendor response
The vendor must confirm they comply with the item or not, if the vendor does not comply they must enter either a  text response to explain why they are not compliant or upload an attachment.
**Cost Implication (This feature is enabled or disabled from the iSpec settings section.)
If the customer has not specified that this item requires a cost but the vendor feels there is a cost applicable to this heading they can check the This item has cost implication and enter a price.
If you enter a cost implication then you must also enter a pricing response to explain why there is a cost implication.
Vendor must enter a text response.
If the heading requires a text response the vendor must supply a text response or add an attachment, to add a text response click the pencil icon and enter the response in the text editor.
If you have an attachment then click the attachment icon and upload your attachment.
Vendor must enter a price
If the heading requires a cost price they must enter a a number, if the customer has made the UOM (Units of measure editable the vendor can change the units if they are unable to provide that QTY
If the units are not editable the vendor must enter a price for each unit, iSpec will then calculate the total cost and display it in the cost totals.
0 Cost Item
If the item requires a cost but the vendor feels there is no associated cost the vendor can choose to enter 0 as a cost by checking the This item has a cost of 0 and entering a cost of 0 in the Cost component.
If the QTY is editable they can also change the QTY to 0.
If the vendor sets the cost to 0 or edits the QTY they must enter a text response to explain the change,  the vendor will not be able to save the changes until this is done.
A notification will show.
Vendor must enter a delivery / commissioning date.
If the heading requires a delivery date you can enter an actual calendar date or set the amount of delivery days after the contact is awarded.
If you set the delivery in days, iSpec will automatically  convert the days to a calendar date when the item has been awarded.
*Note: You must use the same format for both delivery date and commissioning date, you cannot set one as date and one as relative days.
Click on the next heading in the outline tree to go to the next item. The one you have just completed should change from red to black if you have responded correctly.
Go through all documents until all headings are black, once completed you can submit your bid.
Copyright Remy InfoSource Pte Ltd 2019