Batch delete specialist users

If a person moves department, leaves the company or we just need to batch assign another user as the specialist user on template document/clauses.
We can use the batch delete specialist user tool.
We can choose to replace only selective clauses or all of them.
To replace only selective clauses for a user.
Click  the Replace selectively radio button.
Choose the BU which the NEW specialist resides in. Select the NEW specialist user. Select the templates and finally select the documents.
Click the Replace button and iSpec will change those selected to the NEW specialist user.
To replace all of the clauses to a NEW specialist user.
Click  the Replace selectively radio button.
Select the BU which the NEW specialist resides in. Select the NEW specialist user.
iSpec will list all of the templates of which the CURRENT user is a specialist user.
Click the Replace button and iSpec will change all of the templates to the NEW specialist user.
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