Adding document variables

Variables can be added to a document so that generic information can be changed to customer for specific information.
For example a template or tender document can be set to have a variable in a section like [Enter customer name] [Enter customer address] etc.
The document can quickly be update to change these variables to the actual customer at the times name.
To create a new variabl, highlight any text where you want the variable to be in any section
Click the variable icon in the editing toolbar
The variable manger window will appear.
The highlighted text will be added in the name field. The same text can be added or it can be changed.
Click the Save button to save the variable and enter it into the document.
The variable will now be added to the document and when a mouse is over, the text will be highlighted.
The variable will also be saved for the future use in the variable manager window.
Repeat the process until ALL variables have been added.
Each time a variable is added to a document it is also added to the variable manager section tools.
If a variable is removed it is moved from the variable manager window and the variable manager section tools.
For more information see the Variable manager section tools page.
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