Role/Document permissions report
The role/document permissions report allows you to see quickly see what permissions are currently applied for each Role, Document and Phase.
The report will show an icon to represent the permission for that particular phase.
The document permissions are as follows:

View permission allows role users to only view this document type.

Add permission allows role users to view and add this document types.

Edit permission allows role users to view and add document types and also edit heading and contents on that document type.

Delete permission allows the role users to view, add, edit and delete this document type.

Restricted editro permissions allows role users to only edit headings that are set as editable in the template, if the heading has been set as non-editable the user cannot add or edit headings on this document type.

CC mail permission allows role users to receive emails on this document type.

Send mail permission allows role users to send mail on that document type.
Internal permissions
External permissions