
The correspondence panel (Send email message) is used for correspondence between the customer and the supplier or for internal correspondence within the customer or supplier.
He can therefore select to send this correspondence to his internal team, the vendor whose submission or clarification he is currently viewing (named item) or to ALL Vendors who have been invited to respond to this tender.
The vendor selection of whom to send this message to will include the customer project team and the internal (in this case - vendor) project team. If you choose to send this message to the customer all of the customer users and all of your users (vendor) will see it when they login to the system, but only the customer correspondence team will receive an e-mail. If you send the message to your internal (vendor) correspondence team, ONLY your users will be able to see it when they login to the system and only the members of your correspondence team (vendor) will receive an e- mail. THE CUSTOMER WILL HAVE NO ACCESS TO THESE MESSAGES. Similarly the customer also can send correspondence that is visible ONLY to the customer (terminal operator) All messages are kept under the Message history panel.
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