Linking headings to phases
Once you have created all your evaluation phases you need to link the document headings to sub category's.
To link a heading to a sub-categories open the document, click the heading menu in the document and click the Response requirement link.
Select a sub category from the Evaluation and Internal settings to link the heading.
You can also set the sub categories for ALL the headings in the document. To do this click the batch updated icon

at the top of the document.
Scroll down and select the Evaluation and Internal settings section.
Select the sub- category and apply it to selected or all headings using the update icon

or the Update All/Selected buttons.
After the evaluation sub- category has been linked it will show in the requirements notice for each heading.
Once you have linked all of your headings to include in the scoring you need to go to the project overview screen and open the weighting editor and set the weighting score percentages for each category and sub category, all category's and sub category's must have a combined total of 100%.