Tools panel

A number of tools are also contained in the Tools section.
They are split into the follow categories:
  • Create a copy - Create a copy of the current tender
  • Set status to completed - Set the status of an awarded tender to completed. The tender can be recovered back to Awarded if changes need to be made.
  • Defer this tender - Defer the current tender. The tender can be recovered at anytime.
  • Cancel this tender - Cancel the current tender. The tender can be recovered at anytime.
  • Create repeat order - Create a repeat of a tender that has been awarded. A copy will be created in the negotiation phase.
  • Show timeline - Shows a timeline of the tender process to date.
  • Project schedule - Shows a schedule of the tender process.
  • Project statistics - Shows the project statistics for each vendor.
  • Reminders - Shows a list of ALL the reminders in the tender.
  • Attachments - Shows a list of ALL the attachments in the tender.
  • Correspondence - Shows a list of ALL the correspondence in the tender.
  • Vendor activities - Add new vendor activities.
  • Compare to - Compare current tender to other templates or tenders. (Tenders in preparation only
  • Search console - Search in documents and correspondence using keywords.
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