Vendor registration and evaluation

If your system has the vendor registration module vendor can sign up, provide the required documentation and submit registration details to be come an approved vendor.
If enabled the Register link will be available on the default iSpec page.
The vendor enters their basic details and clicks Submit, they will receive an email with a link to continue with registration.
Once they have entered and saved information on the first section the vendor will be emailed login details to access the system if they wish to continue with the registration at a later date.
Once the vendor has submitted registration details the approver will receive an email.
They will also see a notice in the Outstanding tasks section of the dashboard.
And in the external user manager.
The assessors can also go into the user manager, find the company details and click the View/manage company details link.
The assessors can then evaluate the registration details.
In order to assess the registration details the user must have a user type with Manage vendor registration permission.
When the user open the registration form the status is set to ( Ready for Review), if the assessor requests further information the status will change to (Internal Request to Update) and once the assessment is complete the status will change to (Review Completed).
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