Selecting the winning bid

Awarding the contract without approval option
Once you have made your final decision on which bid you want to accept, you may select the winning bid. Even though you have not selected the approval option you still have to enter your password. This is an additional security feature to ensure only someone with authorized access can approve the winner. If you see a warning message it means you have not completed the negotiations or accepted all the submissions from the winning bid. To select the winning bid first return to the document in question and accept all items for the winning vendor.  After that you may select the winning bid.
Click the Select winning bid button from the To Do widget
Select the vendor from the dropdown list . You will be asked to enter your password
Awarding the contract with approval option
If you have selected the Awarding approval option, then you will see a link to start the awarding approval and the tender committee members will be alerted to approve the winning bid.
Click here to read more about the approval system options.
If you are using the sub tender functionality, the system will prompt you as to which sub tender you wish to award to the vendor. It will continue to allow you to award sub tenders to vendors  until all have been awarded.
Costs & Reporting
When you have awarded the project and you wish to use the high level reporting tools you must set the Awarded cost field otherwise the reporting tools will not show correctly.
To set the cost go to tender overview >project info >edit scroll down to show cost,
Once this is set you can then view the cost from the cost panel in the overview page, if you are using a different currency to the base currency the system will automatically convert for you
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