iSpec version 8 Help system

Tender Overview Screen

Once you have created your tender you will see the tender overview and management screen. This is your main screen for managing this tender.
It consists of 4 main sections:
1. Phase Indicator
  • To Do panel
  • Project Main Dashboard
  • Project Dashboard Extras
iSpec has been designed with ease of use for Internal users and Vendors alike, any tab that is colored yellow indicates the section is incomplete follow the guide in the To Do panel until it is empty.
Once each section is completed the tab will change from yellow to green, once all of the tabs are green the tender can be published.
Tender Overview Screen

Phase Indicator

1. Phase Indicator
The phase indicator shows each phase of the tender process. Phases that have been completed are green, current phase is yellow and future phases are grey.

To DO panels

2. To DO panels
The main project dashboard has 6 tabs . The tabs will be either yellow or green colored if the tab is yellow that indicates the section is incomplete the TO DO panel will tell the user what still needs to be completed. Click each tab and finish all steps, once everything is completed the tab will turn green. Once all tabs are green the tender is ready for publication and the approvals can proceed.

Project Tabs

3. Project Tabs
The main project dashboard has 6 tabs . The tabs will be either yellow or green colored if the tab is yellow that indicates the section is incomplete the TO DO panel will tell the user what still needs to be completed. Click each tab and finish all steps, once everything is completed the tab will turn green. Once all tabs are green the tender is ready for publication and the approvals can proceed.

Project Dashboard Extras

4. Project Dashboard Extras
The Project Dashboard Extras tabs give easy access to Project Tools and Project Flags for more information on this please see the following section
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