
Paragraphs have various properties that we can define in order to make sure they behave in specific ways or are categorized correctly.
These are:
  • Paragraph name - this is the generic (base language - probably English) name of the item
  • Review Interval determines how often this item should be reviewed in order to ensure that it remains current
  • Specialist user is the person responsible for updating the item on a regular basis and for approving any changes made to it
  • Status - whether it is available (approved) or still under construction.
    Editable - Whether this item may be edited (changed) during the tender preparation process. This should only be done typically on items where the data frequently changes for each specific tender i.e. sizes, speeds, dimensions, etc. Once created, the properties of the new paragraph are available for editing:
Below the properties table is a list of templates using this clause
This clause can only be deleted if the list is empty.
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