
iSpec includes an option to view reports based on popular criteria you can analyze reports based on:
By Tender - List of vendors with their bid submission status
This selection will list all tenders created during the dates you search, the vendors who bid and the the current status.
By Vendor - List of contracts awarded
This selection will list all projects awarded to each vendor, the date it was awarded and the value of the project.
By Vendor - Number of times vendor was invited to tender and submitted a bid
This selection will list each vendor, how many tenders they were invited to bid on, how many they tenders they submitted and how many each vendor was awarded.
By Flag - List of vendors and contracts awarded.
This selection will list each vendor, the contract awarded and the value of the project.
By Tender/Contract - Summary of user project role access
This selection will show a summary of each project and the users access roles.
Summary of vendor registration details
This report allows you to view a vendor registration report, use the filters to build a report base on registration status, approval dates or other information.
Custom reports
Custom reports are created by Remy support or your iSpec administrator for more information please see Managing custom reports.
When you have selected your report you must choose the dates on which you wish to search, the date symbols are as follows
=   Equal to e.g 1st Jan 2014
<> Not Equal to e.g every other day except 1st Jan 2014
>= Greater than or equal to e.g 1st Jan 2014 or after
<= Less than or equal to e.g 1st Jan 2014 or before
>   Greater than e.g after 1st Jan 2014
<   Less than e.g before 1st Jan 2014
Between e.g Between 1st Jan 2014 - 1st April 2014
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