Setting document properties (Simple Evaluations)

Once the heading has been created and content added we need to set our internal settings and vendor responses.
These settings are as follows:
Evaluation and Internal Settings
  • Weighting - Enter a weighting score used during evaluations/negotiations
  • User may assign weighting - The user may assign the weighting score.
  • Max commercial score - Enter the maximum commercial score used during evaluations/negotiations.
  • Max technical score - Enter the maximum technical score used during evaluations/negotiations
Vendor response required
  • Vendor must enter a delivery date -  If set the vendor must supply a delivery date. We can also set our own deliverable date which the vendor must be within to be compliant.
  • Vendor must enter a commissioning date -  If set the vendor must supply a commissioning date. We can also set our own commissioning date which the vendor must be within to be compliant.
  • Vendor must supply text response and/or attachment - If set the vendor must supply a text response and/or an attachment.
  • Vendor must select compliance - If set the vendor must say if they comply with that item or not.
  • Vendor must supply pricing and optional text - If set the vendor must supply a price and can add any pricing information
These settings can also be set  at the document level and each or all settings can be applied to either some or all of headings at once.
For more information on setting document default see the Setting the simple evaluation document default properties page.
If the heading has previous setting applied you can view and roll back to a previous settings configuration.
Note: You can preset the document defaults from the document type settings or when creating a document.
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