Document checklist

In order to assess the document checklist the user must have a user type with View/Approve document checklist permission.
The document checklist gives you an overview of what documents are required and have been submitted for pre-registration.
They are split into 11 sections.
  • Company registration certificate
  • Memorandum Articles of Association
  • Return of Allotment Shares
  • Registered Directors Particulars
  • Company Organisation Chart
  • Company Profile
  • Brochures/Catalogues
  • Relevant License/Registration Confirmation Letter
  • Audited Financial Report (Last 2 Years)
  • Bank Statement (Last 0 Months)
  • HSE Evaluation Form
When the user open the registration form the status is set to ( Ready for Review), if the assessor requests further information the status will change to (Internal Request to Update) and once the assessment is complete the status will change to (Review Completed).
Click any link to view the submitted data for that section, if the vendor has provided all of the information the system will automatically set the status to Pass.
If that section  is not required the system will automatically set the status to Not Available.
If the vendor has not supplied all the required information in that section the system will automatically set the status to Fail.
If the vendor has supplied all of the information and the document assessor is happy they can enter any comments and proceed to the next section.
Document checklist
If the assessor decides that more information is needed they can change the status from Pass/Fail to Update and click Email vendor.
The requested information will automatically be added in the Additional message section and an email will be sent to the vendor.
The status will change to Internal  Request to Update and the status will be greyed out.
Once the vendor has updated their registration details they must complete the declaration and resubmit details again.
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