Advanced evaluations with no approvals or predecessors

If you choose to setup the Advanced evaluation with no approvals or any predecessors then the workflow will be as follows:
Once the bids have been opened you can do the evaluations one by one or side by side.
Note: You cannot start the commercial evaluations until at least one vendor has been short listed, the status will stay at Waiting.
Click the Shortlist vendor link in the To Do panel.
Once the vendors have been short listed both the technical and commercial  phases are available to evaluate.
For more information on evaluating phases please see the Score Manager section.
Click the Click to Start button in the To Do section on any of the evaluation phases.
You can start and evaluate ALL of the phase simultaneously.
You can view the the technical and commercial responses but you cannot start any negotiations, change prices etc until the evaluations are complete.
Once either phase has been evaluated and completed (indicated by a green checkmark) click the Click to end button in the To Do widget or evaluation section.
The evaluations are now completed, if this is an E-bidding auction then the E-bidding will start.
For more information on E-bidding auction please see the E-bidding section.
If this is not an E-bidding auction or the auction is complete the negotiations will continue.
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