Advanced evaluation scoring overview

The advanced evaluation system allows you to evaluate and give an average score by grouping items into categories rather than scoring items individually like the simple evaluation system.
The advanced evaluation system has a hierarchical structure which relies on each step to be completed in the chain.
1. Phases - Various evaluation phases can be grouped with evaluation types and phases can run concurrently or in a specific order.
2. Evaluation types - Evaluation types are linked to phases. An evaluation type needs a user role assigned in order for project users to score the phase.
3. Categories  - Categories are assigned weighting percentages which when combined make up 100% of the weighted category score.
4. Sub categories - Each category can have multiple sub-categories linked to clauses/items that contain vendor responses.
Again the system can automatically assign a full score to all items that only require a compliance response and that comply fully.
Other items need to be scored by the team members.
Once the evaluators have evaluated all of the phases the moderator can review all of the evaluators’ completed scores, if a minimum of 2 evaluators scores differ more than the moderation differential then the moderator must enter a score which will give a final moderated score.
This moderation typically involves the entire team discussing and agreeing on a final score for the items that require moderation.
Once all the phases have been completed, the system will provide a summary as well as detailed scoring reports.
Various comparative reports are also available:
• Non-conformance
• Technical response comparison
• Pricing comparison,
• Delivery schedule comparison, etc.
Custom evaluations can also be done using spreadsheets that vendors can complete as part of their submission which contain complex formulas for calculation and the results can be pulled into summary tables and charts.
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