Working in the Extended View mode

In the extended view mode, you can extended sections of the document or you can expand the whole document which may take more time depending on the size of the document.
As in the outline mode go through the document until all headings change from red to black. One all documents are complete you are ready to submit your bid.
To read any unopened messages or to send a question to the customer, click on the email icon.
Setting compliance
The vendor must confirm if they comply with the item or not, if they don't they have an option to add a text response to explain why they are not compliant.
**Cost Implication (This feature is enabled or disabled from the iSpec settings)
If the customer has not specified that this item has a cost but the vendor says there is a cost implication you can check the 'This item has cost implication' and enter a price.
If you enter a cost implication then you must also enter a pricing response to explain why there is a cost implication.
Vendor must enter a text response.
If the customer requires a text response then you can click the pencil icon in the general response section this will bring up the text editor.
You can enter your response and upload any necessary attachments.
Vendor must enter a price
If the heading requires this the vendor must supply a price for this item, the vendor can choose to not provide a cost by checking the 'This item has a cost of 0' check box.
0 Cost Item
If the item requires a cost the vendor can choose to enter 0 as a cost by checking the 'This item has a cost of 0' or if the QTY is editable they can also change the QTY to 0 which will apply a 0 cost.
Note: If the vendor sets the cost to 0 or edits the QTY they must enter a text response to explain the change,  the vendor will not be able to save the changes until this is done.
Vendor must enter a delivery/commissioning date.
If the heading requires a delivery date you can use either an actual date or you can set the amount of days to deliver after the contact has been awarded.
If you set the delivery in days iSpec will automatically convert the days to a date when the item has been awarded to the winning vendor.
*Note: You must use the same format for both delivery date and commissioning date, you cannot set one as an actual date and one as relative days.
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