Excluding Items from Pricing report

You can choose to included or exclude items from the rollup price and the pricing overview screen.
You can do this a number of ways:
  • Vendor response screen
  • Pricing report
  • Vendor cost calculator
    Excluding from detailed price report
    Open the document by clicking the document name.
    Uncheck the Include in the pricing roll up  box to exclude the item from the Pricing roll up, iSpec will automatically adjust the totals.
    You can easily see which items are included or excluded as all the included items will have a green bar across the item.
    Excluding items from the pricing report
    To exclude items from the pricing report untick the Include in pricing roll up option next to the item you wish to exclude.
    iSpec will update the pricing roll up for the vendor to reflect the changes.
    Excluding items from the vendor cost calculator
    You can access the vendor cost calculator by clicking the magnifying glass in the pricing report overview page
    Or by selecting the vendor cost calculator from the quick menu.
    Or evaluations tab
    Uncheck the Include box to exclude the item from the Pricing roll up, iSpec will automatically adjust the totals.
    Exclude items from the vendor response
    Uncheck the Include in the pricing roll up  box to exclude the item from the Pricing roll up, iSpec will automatically adjust the totals.
    Which ever way you choose the pricing report overview screen will also be updated with the different prices.
    Before items excluded
    After items excluded
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