User type permissions

Once you have defined user types, you can assign rights to these types, thereby defining which functions within the system they have access to.
All general system functions can now be set to allow or block access to that function. Type rights allow settings to be determined for all functions EXCEPT those applying to Templates or Projects. Access rights to projects and templates and the functions relating to them are set in Roles. This allows the administrator to allocate project related user rights per project rather than globally.
By default the system administrator has access to ALL functions within the system. The rights are setup by the menu panels that contain the functions.
Click on panel to set up the user type rights for that panel for example to allow a user type to view, add, edit and delete Users, check the appropriate boxes.
The user type permissions control access to the general system functions not related to tenders or templates. A user may only have one type assigned to him which would determine his permissions for the use of the various system functions.
The user type permissions are grouped into the following categories:
·     Show: This permission grants the user access to the function
·     Add: This permissions grants the user permission to add new items where applicable
·     Edit: This permission grants the user permission to edit existing items where applicable
·     Delete: This permission grants the user permission to delete items where applicable.
The user type permissions are split into internal user types and external user types. Only the permissions applicable to the internal or external type may be configured for the specific type.
This group of permissions allows the user to access the dashboard
This permission controls whether the user can access the dashboard, if this permission is turned off the dashboard is hidden.
Active tender cost summary
This permission controls whether the user can see the estimated cost section in the dashboard if the permission is turned off the Active tenders section in the dashboard is not visible.
Awarded contract cost summary
This permission controls whether the user can see the Actual cost section in the dashboard, if the permission is turned off the Awarded contracts section in the dashboard is not visible.
Data from all business units
This permission controls whether the user can select all parent business units as well as child business units, if this permission is turned off the user can only filter his own business unit and units underneath.
This group of permissions allows a user to access the menu item for tenders and templates on the menu.
This group of permissions controls the user access to the projects menu items
This permission controls whether the user may access any of the tenders under a specific phase group
This permission controls whether the user may create  a new tender
This group of permissions controls the user access to the templates menu items
This permission controls whether the user may access any templates
This permission controls whether the user may add a new template
Document library
This group of permissions controls access to the library
My items
This permission controls whether the item filter in the library will be available to the user. The link in the menu is controlled by these permissions as well, if none of the show permissions are enabled, the link in the menu to access the library will also be disabled.
When this option is disabled the user would not be able to access his items in the library
This option controls whether the user may add any new items to the paragraph library, this includes Groups, Types, Paragraphs and paragraph details. The following items are controlled by this permission
This permission controls whether the user may change information on Groups, Types, paragraphs and paragraph details
This permission controls whether the user may delete any item from the paragraph library. This applies to Groups, types, paragraphs and paragraph details
Edit all items
These permissions control access to all items in the paragraph library. The permissions for Add, Edit and delete are the same as for the permissions for My Items
Detail approval
These permissions control access to the paragraph items that require detail approvals. The permissions for Add, Edit and delete are the same as for the permissions for My Items
 General approval
These permissions control access to the paragraph items that require general paragraph approvals. The permissions for Add, Edit and delete are the same as for the permissions for My Items
Scheduled reviews
These permissions control access to the paragraph items that require scheduled reviews. The permissions for Add, Edit and delete are the same as for the permissions for My Items
User management
These group of permission controls access to the various user management functions
Internal user management
The internal user management permissions provide access to manage the internal users
The show permission controls access to the menu item to manage users. When any one of the internal or external user management show permissions are checked, the menu item to manage users will be available
 The Show permission will display the Internal user manager
The add permission controls whether the user may add new users or business units
The edit permission will control whether the user may edit the details of a business unit or user
The delete permission controls whether a user may delete a business unit. Users may never be deleted.
External user management
The external user management permissions provide access to manage the External users. The permissions for Add, Edit and delete are the same as for internal users
When the External user permissions is set the External user manager will be visible
Manage default roles
The add permission is always selected to allow users to view.
The edit permission controls whether the user can change the default roles in the user manager.
Note: Default roles highlighted red can only be assigned if the user has the Manage commercial role access.
Manage manual pickup and entry
This permission controls whether the user can see the Register manual pickups link under All Tenders menu.
Manage commercial role access
This permission controls whether the user can assign roles which have View commercial response user role permission. Only users who have this permission can assign commercial response roles.
Note: This user type permission can only be assigned by the ROOT account no other account can assign this permission to a user type.
Vendor registration  permissions
These group of permission control access to vendor registration settings and vendor registration evaluations.
Manage company status
The show permission controls access to the menu item to manage company status. When this permission is checked  the menu item to manage company status will be available.
This permission enables the Add a new Company status link
This permission enables the user to edit the description and points value and enables the Save changes link.
This permission enable the user to delete a company status and enables the Delete link.
Manage company type
The show permission controls access to the menu item to manage company type. When this permission is checked  the menu item to manage company types will be available.
This permission enables the Add a new company type link.
This permission enables the user to edit the description, points value, required bank statements and financial information  and enables the Save changes link.
This permission enable the user to delete a company type and enables the Delete link.
Manage registration categories
The show permission controls access to the menu item to manage registration categories. When this permission is checked  the menu item to manage registration categories will be available.
This permission allows the user to Add a new registration category or sub category.
This permission allows the user to edit the name of the category or sub category.
This permission allows the user to delete a category or sub category as long as they are not in use.
Manage license and certificates
The show permission controls access to the menu item to manage license and certifications settings. When this permission is checked  the menu item to manage licensing and registration will be available.
This permission enables the Add a new record  link
This permission enables the user to edit the description and enables the Save changes link.
This permission enable the user to delete a license and certificate setting and enables the Delete link.
Manage registration settings
The show permission controls access to the menu item to manage registration settings. When this permission is checked  the menu item to manage registration will be available.
This permission allows the user to edit the registration settings information.
Manage assessment criteria
The show permission controls access to the menu item to manage assessment criteria settings. When this permission is checked  the menu item to manage registration settings  will be available.
This permission allows the user to edit the assessment criteria settings and also add new point setting records.
View/Approve financial information
Show, Edit financial information
View/Approve HSE information
Show, Edit HSE information
View/Approve procurement information
Show, Edit procurement information
View/Approve final score
Show, Edit the final score
HOD ( Final approval)
Show, Edit Final approval
System configuration permissions
This group of permissions controls the permissions for the general administration functions as well as the globally accessible menu items to send notifications and view user status
Manage document types
Show, Add, Edit, Delete document types.
Manage unit of measure
Show, Add, Edit, Delete Unit of Measure.
Manage approvals
Show, Add, Edit, Delete approvals.
Manage frequencies
Show, Add, Edit, Delete frequencies.
Manage currencies
Show, Add, Edit, Delete currencies.
Manage languages
Show, Add, Edit, Delete languages.
Manage panels
Show, Add, Edit, Delete panels.
Manage trades
Show, Add, Edit, Delete trades.
Manage flags
Manage vendor activity type
Show, Add, Edit, Delete vendor activity types.
Manage categories
Show, Add, Edit, Delete categories.
Manage item types
Show, Add, Edit, Delete item types.
Edit mail templates
Edit templates.
Manage user types and permissions
Show, Add, Edit, Delete user types and permissions.
Manage user roles and permissions
Show, Add, Edit, Delete user roles.
Manage system settings
Show, Edit system settings.
Send generic email
Show generic email.
View online user status
Show online status.
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