Library Approvals

If the paragraph or clause is changed either in a template or from the clause library the template (s) that are using those paragraphs will be taken offline until they have been approved by the specialist user and status changed back from Under construction to Available.
iSpec has 3 different approvals systems
Detailed approvals - Detailed approvals are approvals for different language clauses.
General approvals - General approvals are approvals for paragraphs.
Scheduled reviews - Scheduled reviews are paragraph interval reviews.
General approvals
The general approvals are approvals for the whole paragraph that contain each language version, you must approve each detailed approval before the general approvals (paragraph) can be approved
if any specialist user needs to make any general approvals it will be listed in there My Workspace page
Click the link to open the General approvals in the library.
The paragraph will be highlighted red, you can change the status to Available which will approve the paragraph.
Or if you have multiple paragraphs you can batch approve by clicking the Approve all link.
The library will also show any template that is currently using the paragraph and the status, when the paragraph has been approved the status will be updated.
Detailed approvals
The detailed approvals are approvals for each language version for that paragraph.
If the text is changed a popup will show other language version that may also need to be changed.
If anybody changes the text in the language clause the specialised user will log in and see from the dashboard. The specialist user will also receive an email.
You can drill down to the language clause which will be highlighted red and change the status to available which will approve the clause.
Or if you have multiple clauses you can click the Approve all link
Scheduled reviews.
If the paragraph has a review interval then the specialist user will receive an email asking them to login, review or edit the paragraph/clause and then approve the clause.
When a template document heading is created the creator is automatically assign as the Specialist user for that item in the template.
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