Home Page (after login)

Home Page (after login)

Remy Info Source support details

1. Remy Info Source support details
Shows the Remy Info Source contact and support details. Also shows the current logged in user and the iSpec language currently in use.

Main menu

2. Main menu
iSpec main menu - Access tenders, templates, reports, clause library and iSpec administration pages. These menus are permission controlled and may not be the same as the logged in user.


3. Dashboard
The iSpec dashboard gives the user an overview of the current activities on projects in iSpec. Filter to show ALL projects or only projects the logged in user has a role on.

Favourites & recent projects

4. Favourites & recent projects
Shows the recent projects or templates that were accessed and projects and templates that were set as favourites.

Current progress

5. Current progress
Shows the current progress in the various stages of the tendering process.

Dashboard filters

6. Dashboard filters
Use the filters to update the dashboard. You can also change the setting to show ALL project information or only information the user has roles in.

Outstanding tasks

7. Outstanding tasks
Lists any other outstanding tasks that are not covered by the dashboard.

Customise homepage

8. Customise homepage
Customise the iSpec homepage.
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