HSE Assessment

In order to assess the HSE section the user must have a user type with View/Approve HSE information permission.
The Finance, HSE Assessment and Procurement evaluations can be done side by side but must all be completed before the final score can be assessed.
The HSE Assessment gives the Health/Safety officer an opportunity to assess HSE documents and certificates.
To view the HSE evaluation forms and certificates click the View vendor HSE evaluation forms link.
To view the categories the vendor has submitted click the View vendor requested categories.
Once read the assessor can either select acceptable or not acceptable from the drop down list, the points will change according to what is chosen.
The assessor can enter any comments in the findings and/or enter a comment at the bottom of the screen.
Once the HSE assessment is complete click the Proceed button to save the information and continue to the next stage.
If the HSE assessor decides to reject the registration then it will be recorded and shown as a recommendation during the final score.
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