Setting document properties (Simple Evaluations)

The  template document defaults allow you to apply settings to multiple headings quickly, to set document default settings click the document name in outline view.
To access the document default click the top node document name from within the document.
The document defaults are only available in Outline mode not Extended view mode
Note: You can preset the document defaults from the document type settings or when creating a document.
Setting document properties (Simple Evaluations)

Paragraph selector

1. Paragraph selector
Select what happens when a heading has multiple paragraphs, choose to use all paragraphs, pick a paragraph

Setting selector

2. Setting selector
Clicking here will update only this one setting for all headings in the document except if any headings are checked, in which case only those headings will have this single setting updated.

Editable during preparation

3. Editable during preparation
Quickly enables you to mark all items as completed rather than go into each item and manually confirm completion.

Paragraph review interval

4. Paragraph review interval
Set the paragraph review interval

Paragraph specialist user

5. Paragraph specialist user
Select the specialist paragraph user for the heading.

Paragraph content specialist user

6. Paragraph content specialist user
Select the specialist paragraph content user for the heading.


7. Weighting
Enter the total weighted score for the item

Edit assigned weighting

8. Edit assigned weighting
Allows the vendor to edit the assigned weighting.

Maximum scores

9. Maximum scores
Enter the maximum commercial & technical scores for this item.

Vendor must enter a delivery date

10. Vendor must enter a delivery date
The vendor must enter a delivery date but does not need to be within a specified frame.

Vendor must enter commissioning date

11. Vendor must enter commissioning date
If the Vendor must enter delivery date is checked then the you can ask the vendor enters a commissioning date.

Vendor must enter a text response

12. Vendor must enter a text response
If set the vendor must enter a text response for this heading.

Vendor must select compliance

13. Vendor must select compliance
If set the vendor must select compliance for this item.

Allow data on fully complaint items

14. Allow data on fully complaint items
If the setting Vendor must select compliance is the only option set enabling this setting will allows the vendor to upload attachments.

Default compliance option

15. Default compliance option
If the Vendor must set compliance option is set the Project Manager can choose the default response for the vendor response phase.

Vendor must supply price and optional text

16. Vendor must supply price and optional text
If set the vendor must enter a price and give an optional text response

No of units

17. No of units
Set the number of units required, this must be set if the vendor must supply a price.

Select UOM (units of measure)

18. Select UOM (units of measure)
Sets the units of measure for this item, this must be set if the vendor must supply a price.

Item estimated cost

19. Item estimated cost
Enter the estimated cost for that heading.

Vendor may edit units

20. Vendor may edit units
If enabled the vendor may edit the number of units during there vendor response.

Vendor may view weighting

21. Vendor may view weighting
If set the vendor may view weighting score

Paragraph editing tools

22. Paragraph editing tools
Replace the current text, append before or after the current text or create a new paragraph with new text.

Paragraph default text

23. Paragraph default text
The Project Manager can enter default text and apply it to single, multiple or ALL headings

Save as default

24. Save as default
Click here to save these settings as the document defaults. All new headings that are added will automatically get these settings. Current settings for each heading will not change.

Update all

25. Update all
Updates settings to all headings

Update Selected

26. Update Selected
Apply settings to selected headings

Bulk paragraph remover

27. Bulk paragraph remover
Remove all paragraphs from selected or all headings.

Import from Excel

28. Import from Excel
Import headings and data from excel into iSpec
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