Mail Templates

iSpec uses email templates to send out standard messages such as invitations to vendors, notifications for delivery dates, notifications of correspondence, etc.
These templates have generic content that you might wish to adapt to better suit your business.
To start click on the Mail templates menu under the Administration section of the main menu on the left of the screen.
This will display the list of email templates used by iSpec.
To edit a template, click on the template name in the left column.
In this example we have selected the General correspondence template. This is used for all general messages.
You will notice that each template has a number of #variables# (the items in the red boxes) contained between #s. This is where iSpec will insert the Project/Tender name, etc. into your message automatically. Each template has its own set of variables that it uses.
You may not change these variables or add variables from one template to another. You may only add, delete or change the other text in a template. You may however move the variables around or use them more than once in the same template.
Below is a table explaining when each template is used.
Template name
AFE approval
Any tenders requiring Budget or AFE (Approval For Expenditure) approvals will use this template to send an email to the team responsible for budget approval
This is the template used by the messaging system and the #message# variable will contain the relevant data.
The messaging system (Send email message panel) uses this template.
Due Date
This template is used to send out reminders for items that are to be delivered today.
This sends an advance warning 30 days before an item is due for delivery. It is only sent once.
iSpec allows you to send emails to all or selected users. This is the template used and the #message# variable will contain the relevant data.
The generic mail link at the top of the screen uses this template
Inspect Notification
This template is used after inspection and the inspection report is ready for viewing.
Invitation To Tender
This template is sent to vendors as an invitation to tender.
It is important that you enter your company's tender policy here.
Invitation Extended
This template is used if you extend a tender by changing the closing date to a later date.
Item Over Due
iSpec uses this template to notify you and the vendor of any items when they have become overdue for more than 7 days. It is only sent once.
Library Change
This template is used when there is a change to the library
Login Details
This template is used to send any new user their login details or when you reset an existing user's password.
This template is a Non-compliance notification
Each time you or the vendor edits a negotiation in a document, the other party is copied via email to ensure they are aware of the pending negotiation.
Paragraph Not Available
This template is used when a paragraph needs to be approved to add to a template
Purchasing Approval
If you have set up the approvals to require approval from the purchasing department before publication of a tender, then iSpec will use this template to send the notification the purchasing approvers to do so.
Reminder Alarm Date
This template is used as a reminder that projects are due on this date.
If you require approval for extra expenditure over the budgeted amount after the contract has been awarded, this is the template that will be sent to the AFE or budget approvers.
If any of the AFE approvers rejects the supplementary budget, this template will be used to notify the project manager.
If you require approval for extra expenditure within the budgeted amount after the contract has been awarded, this is the template that will be sent to the AFE or budget approvers.
Team Approval
This template is used to notify the project team (content approvers) to approve the tender documents for publication.
Tender Open ToVendor
When the tender opens (is published and the vendors have access) an email is sent to the project manager and team to inform them.
Tender Extended
The project team is informed that the tender has been extended.
Tender Closed
When the tender closes, this email is sent to the bid opening approvers to prompt them to open the bids.
Bids Approval Ready
This is used if a second reminder is required to open the bids.
Tender Completion
This email is sent to vendors every day until the closing date or until they have submitted their bid. It reminds them that they have to submit the bid and calculates the percentage of items completed.
Tender Open
This reminder is sent to the vendor on the day the tender is published whether or not you have
Tender Published
This reminder is sent to the project team once all the approvals on a tender have been completed and it is ready for publication whether the tender opening date has been reached or not.
Tender Rejected
If any of the pre publication approvers rejects a tender for publication this notification is sent to the project team.
Tender Result
When a tender is awarded to a vendor, this template is used to send an email to the unsuccessful bidders.
Pre Registration
Sends a mail to the new vendor informing them how to complete registration.
Vendor Registration Success
Sends a mail informing the vendor they have been approved as a vendor.
Vendor Registration Reject
Sends a mail informing the vendor they have been rejected as a vendor.
Vendor Registration Update
Sends a mail informing the vendor to update or supply additional information.
E-Bidding Start
Sends a mail informing the vendors that E-Bidding has started.
Technical Approval
Sends an email informing users that technical approval has been completed.
Commercial Approval
Sends an email informing users to approve commercial bid opening.
Commercial Approval 2
Sends an email informing users to approve second bid opening (After E-Bidding)
Evaluation Start
Sends a confirmation email informing the users that the evaluation phase has started and they can now score this phase
Vendor Bid Submission
Sends a confirmation email to the vendor confirming they have submitted a bid or no bid.
Vendor Re Submission Bid
Sends a confirmation email to the vendor informing them they have edited an already submitted bid and they will need to submit again.
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