Correspondence and clarifications

iSpec has a built in messaging system which allows customers to send messages internally and to vendors. Any message that is sent using iSpec will automatically be saved in the message history for auditing purposes.
iSpec allows you to send a message from any heading in any document providing the user has permission to do so. This is handy as it keeps all correspondence together and relates only to that heading. When a message is sent a link to the tender will be shown in the recipients Outstanding tasks in the dashboard. A unread icon will be shown in the document and also on the heading which has the message.
To send a message select the document, heading and click the message icon.
The messaging window will appear and you can select your recipient, enter your content and add any attachments.
Once the message is sent it will be copied to the message history.
The vendor will now see the link to the message under Outstanding tasks in the dashboard.
Reading messages from the document widget
You can read, respond and mark as read any message from the messaging widget.
Click the message count to open the messaging popup.
If you click the Open messenger link it will open the main messaging interface.
If you click the Go to item link it will open the document with the message
If you click the Mark as read link it will mark the message as read with a date/time stamp.
Reading messages from within the document
When a message is received a unread message icon will appear next to the document that has the message.
and on the heading itself
The vendor can open the message and confirm they have read it by clicking the Read checkbox after which date/time stamp will be inserted.
The vendor can then respond to the customer
Once the message has been sent the internal user will now see a new message in the dashboard.
The user can open the messaging popup, go to the document or mark the message as read.
If the user opens the tender the documents widget will show they have an unread message
The pop up will allow them to open the messaging popup, go to the document or mark as read the same as on the dashboard.
If the message has been Marked as read the message is removed from the pop up and the message counter.
The alternative method is to go directly to the document and view the message.
Expand the documents tab and open the document that has the unread icon next to the document name.
There will be an unread message icon next to the heading that has the unread message.
Click the message icon in the content panel to open the message controls and scroll down to view the message.
Once you have read the message check the "Read' checkbox
This will add a time/date stamp to the message confirming it has been read and the vendor can see this next time they open the tender.
All messages relating to this item will be kept under the message history for later reference.
The correspondence system is used to correspond internally or externally.
You can also choose to filter out the messages to only show unread messages or messages sent from/to a particular person.
Now the message has been read the icon next to the heading will change from unread to a read icon.
When you go back to the tender overview screen the message will be removed from the counter and if it is the last message the unread messages widget will be hidden.
Note: The selection of whom to send this message to will include the customer correspondence team ( if it exists) and the internal (vendor) correspondence team (if it exists).
If you choose to send this message to the customer all of the customer users and all of your users (vendor) will see it when they login to the system, but only the customer correspondence team will receive an e-mail.
If you send the message to your internal (vendor) correspondence team, ONLY your users will be able to see it when they login to the system and only the members of your correspondence team (vendor) will receive an e-mail. THE CUSTOMER WILL HAVE NO ACCESS TO THESE MESSAGES. Similarly the customer also can send correspondence that is visible ONLY to the customer users. These messages are encrypted so even if the customer has access to his database, he cannot read this information.
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