Delivery comparison report

Expand the evaluation panel, click the comparison reports and choose Delivery comparison report. This will show a summary of all delivery dates from each vendor
Choose the vendor to include in the report and click Build report
 Then select a document to view the delivery details.
Items that are bold are still to be accepted by the customer, you can also send messages, negotiate on that item or view scoring information.
Estimating vendor delivery date.
During negotiations you may want to calculate an estimated delivery date based on the calendar date or relative days the vendor has provided.
To do this enter an estimated contract awarding date and click build report.
iSpec will now calculate the vendors estimated delivery date using the estimated date entered by the customer and vendor.
You can view from the overview screen
Or open the report and view detailed description
Once the tender has been awarded and contract dates set this date will change from estimated to the actual delivery date.
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