Detailed price comparison report

Firstly you may wish to view the bid prices in a comparative table if you requested the vendors enter priced items during your tender document preparation. You can view the table showing a column with each vendor's pricing for all the items you specified in your tender.
To do so expand the valuation section, click on the Comparison report link and then choose the Pricing comparison report
Choose the vendors to include in the report and click Build report
The pricing report will only show items that the vendor has quoted a price, it does not show any items that do not have a price attached
If you have not short listed any vendors yet there will be no listing. Uncheck the Show only short listed vendors check box.
Now you will see a listing of all documents showing the total for all priced items in each document by vendor. If a vendor did not submit a bid it will show as No submission.
Click on a document to view the pricing details.
The price comparison report all shows all priced items from each vendor at the bottom so the customer can quickly evaluate each vendors costs
The pricing comparison report functions are as follows:
  •  Show all details - Select whether to show or hide the the requirement text.
  • Award each item to the cheapest vendor - Automatically award each item to the cheapest vendor.
  • Expand all - Expands all of the headings on one page.
  • Items - List all of the items
  • Pricing roll up - Gives a total price for that heading including any sub headings.
  • Default - The vendor text response (if any)
  • Include in pricing roll up - Include or exclude the item from the price roll up totals.
  • Magnifying glass - Open the iSpec messaging system or view the vendor response to accept that item.
You can also negotiate directly by clicking the magnifying glass and then the arrow link or use the messaging system by clicking the mail icon.
 You can also open the vendor cost calculator and do What-If calulations by clicking the magnifying glass.
For more information about the Vendor cost calculator please click the following here.
To do some what if? calculations on a single vendor or to calculate external costs related to a bid, open the Evaluation reports panel and click on the Vendor price external cost calculator link.
Here you can either view the entire project cost in the Project default currency (all other currencies are converted at the rates specified) or you can view individual currency reports for all non default currencies. To edit the exchange rates click on the link at the top of the page.
Please note this option must be enabled in the system settings by enabling the Additional cost report
To calculate the impact of external costs on the project, add the external costs to the External Cost section at the bottom of the report. This information will be saved for future reference per document per vendor.
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