Adding tender documents

To add a tender document expand the document section on the tender overview screen.
 Click the Add button, enter the name and a description for the document and select the document type you want to create.
Selecting a document type allows you to determine (using the User role manager) who may view, add, edit and delete this document by adding the appropriate permissions.
Enter a name, description and document type, the Used for section will automatically be populated from the document type settings.
The user access tab will list all internal and external roles that have access to that document.
You can choose to set the default settings and vendor response requirements to be applied to all new headings
When complete click the Save and close button to create a new document.
Note: You can set the default format from the Vendor requirement settings. The following options are available:
  • I want to build and online document - If this option is selected a document will be created with no headings.
  • I just want to upload documents as attachments - If this option is selected a document will be created with a single heading with the requirements completed.
The document will be create and added to the document list.
If your license has the vendor templates module you can also allow or deny individual vendors from viewing the document.
Note: The options to deny vendor access to a document will not be available until at least one vendor has been added in the vendor section
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