Reverse auction (Vendor)

If this is a reverse auction, you may view the pricing during the auction (tender open) by clicking on the View vendor pricing comparison report (reverse auction) in the Tools section.
Note: You cannot view the Vendor pricing comparison report until you have submitted your initial bid, the link will be disabled.
Once you have submitted your bid the link will become available and you can view the Vendor pricing comparison report.
Once the vendor has submitted a bid the properties section will show which position in the auction they are at.
If you are a vendor you can see the price of the other vendors although the other vendors name will be hidden.
Only vendors that have submitted an initial bid will be able to access the Vendor pricing comparison report.
Below is a typical example of a vendor pricing comparison report as seen by the vendor.
If the competing vendors change any prices the Vendor pricing history graph will automatically update to represent this.
Note: The customer can also see the current and historical prices by clicking the View vendor pricing comparison report (reverse auction).
Unlike the vendors the customer can see the vendors name.
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