Delivery comparison report

To view the delivery comparison report   expand the evaluation section, click comparison reports and choose Delivery comparison reports.
This brings up the deliver overview screen and you can quickly see the delivery times the vendors have submitted, the vendors can either provide and exact date or they can choose to enter the amount of days after contract placement they will deliver.
Once the tender has been awarded and contract dates set then the delivery report will update to give an exact delivery date but until that happens you will see either a date or days.
Note: If there are more one item that needs a delivery date the delivery report will list the date that is furthest away, for example if there are 2 items and one is listed for 31st August and the other is listed as 15th September then the delivery report will list 15th September
The system will only expand the panel that has the headings that have a delivery date, all other headings will remain minimized
You can now compare the delivery dates for each vendor, you can also send or view historical messages, negotiate with the vendor on that items and view commercial or technical scores.
If an Item has an orange line underneath this indicates that vendor has submitted the cheapest price.
Items that have an alert icon means that item is a non-compliant item
Items that are bold are items that have not been accepted by either vendor or customer,
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